“Bubba” was one of three cats abandoned at a feral colony.
An elderly caretaker had been feeding two fixed feral cats for many years, but called us to say she was selling her house and could not continue to feed them. We met with her before she moved, and she told us about three new cats at the colony whom she had witnessed being dropped off from a moving car. We were able to trap the three cats, two of which were
immediately friendly and found homes after they received medical care. While we believed the third cat, Bubba, was also tame, he was unresponsive to any attention and therefore unadoptable. One of our volunteers who had been assisting the elderly caretaker stepped up to the challenge. He said he wanted to work with Bubba to try to make a difference in his life.
It took time and dedication on the part of the volunteer but with patience, Bubba began to trust his new human and to respond. During this time, it was discovered that a wound on his neck was not healing and he was continually scratching it making it worse. After receiving medical attention, he wore an e-collar to prevent further scratching and the volunteer regularly applied medication to the wound. More than once, the wound would seemingly clear up, the collar would be removed, and Bubba was back to scratching it. So, the collar went back on for an extended time until another round of antibiotics cleared up the infection and the wound finally and completely healed.
Today Bubba is a very healthy, happy and well-adjusted cat. He loves his new human family and can often be seen playing up a storm. He also enjoys the company of his feline buddies, all of whom were rescued.