Disco (formerly Timmy)


A cute gray tabby stands on a blue blanket leaning towards the camera.
Timmy wants to be your best friend.
Two tabbies pose next to a portrait of another cat. The tabby in front is smaller and younger than the one behind, who also has a white bib.
Disco poses with his new big bro

His new name is disco, but we called him Timmy because he started out as the timid one of his litter; but that changed when he came into our foster program. He now thoroughly enjoys attention, being held and petted, and purrs like a little motor.

He and his three sisters came in from a 20+ cat colony along with his mom and 5 other cats of varying ages from that colony. From being the timid one in the beginning to now being the bravest boy, he was adopted into a family with another cat who is now his big bro!